When you place an order there is an initial lead time for the order to be processed. There then follows a shipping time before your order reaches you. Use the info below to estimate your expected delivery times. Please note these are working days (5 a week) and take into account when you initially place the order. If you order in the morning you can reasonably include that day but a Friday evening order will effectively start on the Monday, although you can rely on that more than if it were placed at lunchtime that it would certainly start being processed that day. Having said all that we will be as fast as we can and hopefully more often than not we will be quicker than expected in most cases.
Order Time
- All orders are made to order and take 3-5 working days typically to ship.
- Orders will then typically take the following times to be delivered to you depending on your location.
- Please allow enough time before enquiring about any item that hasn’t been delivered.
- If you order on a Monday in the UK you could get your order the same week, but probably early the next week. In the EU you would hope to get it early the next week but it could possibly not quite make it that week if you were unlucky. In the worst case your order might take as long as three weeks to Australia or another far flung territory.
Shipping Times via Recorded Delivery
UK - 1 to 3 working days.
EU - 3 to 5 working days.
Everywhere else - 7 to 10 working days.
Additionally take into account where the product you ordered was sourced from too. Some might be local to you even if you are outside the UK. Others might be coming from outside the UK too so times will vary accordingly. In any case you can always ask for an update and we will be happy to investigate.