Get Behind The Lads! Stickers, Hoodies & Beer Mats
A series of stickers designed to show your support for your heroes in the style of political campaigns inspired by the 2019 general election. You hear politicians asking voters if they can 'rely on their support' which is what being a fan is all about. In politics people are trashed for who they are and what they think too often. The beauty of sport is that people from every strand of society come together in one tribe and share their belief in and love of a football club. Their club.
So we wanted to celebrate this unity that cuts across all political, racial, social, cultural and gender boundaries and express that in one simple, positive message. Your vote, your support for your club. Your unqualified support for the cause. Whatever your club, however great or small, it makes no odds, they have your support and that above all else is what makes sport so special. The fans' support for their team and their understanding of rival fans equally committed support of their team. Sport is at its best when it involves two fiercely supported rivals. However it manifests itself it's only this mutual respect for both clubs that makes it mean anything. Our message is simple. Have pride in your team, spread the love, then everyone wins.
Unless stated the stickers are really not suitable for outdoor use and long-term survival. However we also offer special, deluxe stickers in many cases that are waterproof so can be used outdoors, reversed car window stickers might be coming soon too. Don't pay through the nose to buy one but pick'n'mix a bunch, between all types and categories too and get them for just 50p each!
Due to a lot of requests - we have now added beer mats and hoodies too. These are available at a flat rate of just 50p each and you can choose whatever you want.